6 Inks Lake

Imesha Fernando

About Inks Lake

The name Inks originated from J.F. Inks who was a rancher near the Iron Mask Mine (Balf, 1978). Inks Lake is a natural freshwater lake surrounded by mountain peaks and has a size of approximately 4.3 ha (equivalent to 11 ac or 43209 m2) and a maximum depth of about 8 m (Angler’s Atlas, n.d.c). It is located in British Columbia, Canada, around 20 minutes south of Kamloops, off the Coquihalla Highway; the coordinates are 50.6189° N, 120.4454° W. Inks Lake has an elevation of 850 m and is situated in a shallow glacial valley with steep cliffs and hills (Bos et al., 1996). It was formed by a massive landslide, which created a large dam that blocked the flow of the nearby river, leading to the lake’s formation (N. Baptiste, personal communication, February 20, 2023). The lake’s water levels are subject to seasonal fluctuations as it is fed by snowmelt and precipitation from the surrounding mountains.


Inks Lake
Figure 1: Inks Lake (Murray Foubister / Flickr) CC BY-SA 2.0

Recreational Activities

Inks Lake has a rich history of human use, dating back thousands of years, and is now a popular destination for logging, kayaking, biking, camping, boating, swimming, hiking, and scuba diving (Trailpeak, n.d.). These activities benefit the local community economically through tourism and outdoor recreation. However, the most important recreational activity this lake provides is skating. Almost every year in the peak of winter, when the ice is at its toughest, local skating and ice hockey enthusiasts travel to Inks Lake to create rinks for them (and others) to use, which is assisted and supported by the community (Schulze, 2021). These rinks strengthen the community by bringing different people with similar interests together to offer their time and effort for a greater cause. Also, due to its wide diversity of animal species, it is a popular destination for fishing and birdwatching (Hook and Bullet, n.d.; Lapierre, 2014).

Indigenous Value

The region’s Indigenous peoples have a strong spiritual connection to Inks Lake, as it provides them with food, water, and spiritual renewal (N. Baptiste, personal communication, February 20, 2023). They would come to the lake for fishing, hunting, and gathering, and the area was an important center of trade and commerce. The settlers who arrived in the late 1800s and early 1900s were attracted to the area’s abundant natural resources and established homes, farms, and logging operations. Inks Lake later became a popular destination for recreational activities, and several campgrounds were established along its shores (KamloopsTrails, 2019).

Ecosystem Services

Inks Lake provides many benefits, with the most critical ecosystem services likely to be those related to regulation, as it plays an important role in regulating the water cycle, maintaining water quality, and managing the risk of floods and droughts. Regulating services related to biodiversity and the carbon cycle are also important, as well as cultural services related to recreation and tourism and supporting services related to maintaining the overall health and resilience of the ecosystem. Some of the more notable ecosystem services the lake provides are:

  • Water supply — Inks Lake is a groundwater-fed lake that provides water for various uses, including irrigation, industrial purposes, and water supply to those who camp there (KamloopsTrails, 2017).
  • Recreation and tourism— Inks Lake is a popular destination for many recreational activities such as camping, boating, swimming, and hiking. These activities benefit the local community economically through tourism and outdoor recreation.
  • Biodiversity — Inks Lake supports a variety of aquatic plants and animals, including fish, amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. This biodiversity provides important ecological functions, such as nutrient cycling, pollination, and pest control, and supports other recreational activities like fishing and bird-watching (Lapierre, 2014).
  • Climate regulation — The surrounding vegetation of Inks Lake helps regulate the local climate by absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and providing shade and cooling.
  • Cultural and spiritual values — Inks Lake has cultural and spiritual values for Indigenous communities in the region, who have historical and contemporary connections to the lake and its surrounding landscape (N. Baptiste, personal communication, February 20, 2023).

Potential Ecological Issues

Although there are many, the main threat to Inks Lake is water pollution. As with many other lakes, pollution from agricultural runoff, urban development, industrial activities, and improper waste disposal can introduce contaminants into the lake, impacting water quality and the health of aquatic organisms (Carpenter et al., 1998). Improper waste disposal is the primary cause of pollution at Inks Lake, and measures should be taken to rectify this as this considerably reduces the ecosystem services the lake provides (Charbonneau, 2020). Other common threats to lakes include:

  • Invasive species — Introducing non-native species, such as aquatic plants or fish, can disrupt the natural balance of the lake ecosystem, out-competing native species and altering the habitat (Simberloff, 2009).
  • Habitat loss and fragmentation — Encroachment of urbanization, agriculture, or infrastructure development near the lake can lead to habitat loss and fragmentation, disrupting natural ecosystems and reducing biodiversity (Fahrig, 2003).
  • Climate change — Alterations in temperature, precipitation patterns, and hydrological cycles due to climate change can impact the lake’s water levels, water quality, and overall ecosystem dynamics (Core Writing Team et al., 2015).

Valuation of Inks Lake

The use value of Inks Lake includes direct benefits from lake resources, like fishing and water supply, as well as indirect benefits, like nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration. Non-use value includes benefits like biodiversity preservation and aesthetic/cultural benefits. The non-use value of Inks Lake can be broken down into existence value, bequest value, and option value. Hedonic pricing is one of the methods of assigning a value to a lake using revealed preferences. However, due to no residents living near Inks Lake, this cannot be used. The travel cost method would require a survey to be conducted.

The valuation will be done with the benefit transfer method as a first approximation. With the range of values for lakes being a high of $78,804/ha/year and a low of $23,542/ha/year and the total area of Inks Lake being 4.3 ha, it yields benefits of USD 338,857 and a conservative value at USD 101,230 per year. Using a discount rate of 1.5% yields a natural asset value for the lake equal to USD 22.6 million and USD 6.75 million, respectively. Using the low rate of 0.1% to place importance on Indigenous people’s valuation of water becomes USD 339 million and $101 million.

Table 1 shows a summary of the value of Inks Lake and its ecosystem services.

Table 1: Value of Inks Lake as a Natural Asset

Table 1: Value of Inks Lake as a Natural Asset
Skip Table 1
Valuation Ecosystem Services per year (in millions of USD) 1.5% Discount Rate (in millions of USD) 0.1% Discount Rate (in millions of USD)
Average 338,857.2 22,590,480 338,857,200
Median 248,221.8 16,548,120 248,221,800
Conservative/Modified Median 101,230.6 6,748,706 101,230,600

Concluding Remarks

From a practical standpoint, Inks Lake’s existence supports the region’s water security and enhances the quality of life for local residents. Furthermore, the recreational opportunities offered by Inks Lake cannot be overstated. The lake attracts outdoor enthusiasts, offering a myriad of activities. These activities foster a strong connection to nature and contribute to the local economy through tourism and outdoor recreation. Ecologically, Inks Lake supports diverse plant and animal species, forming a thriving habitat. This biodiversity plays a crucial role in maintaining essential ecological functions. Lastly, but most importantly, Inks Lake holds cultural and spiritual significance, particularly for Indigenous communities with historical and contemporary ties to the area. It serves as a place of cultural heritage, reflection, and connection to the land, reinforcing the intrinsic value of preserving and respecting these natural spaces.

In conclusion, Inks Lake is a scenic water body providing valuable ecosystem services. Its provision of water, recreational opportunities, biodiversity support, climate regulation, and cultural significance highlight the relationship between human well-being, sustainable development, and the health of natural ecosystems. Preserving and cherishing Inks Lake ensures the continued enjoyment of its ecosystem services for present and future generations.

Media Attributions

Figure 1:FOU08056-Pano.jpg” by Murray Foubister (2021), via Flickr, is used under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license.


Angler’s Atlas. (n.d.c). Inks Lake. https://www.anglersatlas.com/place/138541/inks-lake

Bos, D. G., Cumming, B. F., Watters, C. E., & Smol, J. P. (1996). The relationship between zooplankton, conductivity and lake-water ionic composition in 111 lakes from the Interior Plateau of British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 5, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01996032

Carpenter, S. R., Caraco, N. F., Correll, D. L., Howarth, R. W., Sharpley, A. N., & Smit, V. H. (1998). Nonpoint pollution of surface waters with phosphorus and nitrogen. Ecological Applications, 8(3), 559–568. https://doi.org/10.1890/1051-0761(1998)008[0559:NPOSWW]2.0.CO;2

Charbonneau, D. (2020, October 8). Charbonneau: Stop using Inks Lake as a dump. CFJC Today. https://cfjctoday.com/2020/10/08/charbonneau-stop-using-inks-lake-as-a-dump/

Core Writing Team, Pachauri, R. K., & Meyer, L. (2015). Climate change 2014: Synthesis report (Report No. AR5). Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. https://archive.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/syr/

Fahrig. L. (2003). Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 34(1), 487–515. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.34.011802.132419

Foubister, M. (2021). FOU08056-Pano.jpg [Image]. Flickr. https://flic.kr/p/2mPTGbv

Greater Kamloops Motorcycle Association. (n.d.). Riding Areas. https://www.gkma.ca/ride/riding-areas/

Hook and Bullet. (n.d.). Inks Lake fishing. https://www.hookandbullet.com/fishing-inks-lake-kamloops-bc/

KamloopsTrails. (2017, August 17). Inks Lake. Kamloops Trails. https://kamloopstrails.net/2017/08/17/inks-lake/

KamloopsTrails. (2019, June 10). On Inks Lake. Kamloops Trails. https://kamloopstrails.net/news/on-inks-lake/

Lapierre, A. R. (2014). Animal biodiversity survey of Inks Lake, BC, Canada. In N. Flood, T. Kading, M. Mohbobi, & M. Woloszyn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th annual Thompson Rivers University undergraduate research and innovation conference. Thompson Rivers University. https://ugc.sites.tru.ca/files/2014/03/Undergraduate-Research-Conference-Proceedings-2013-FINAL.pdf

Schulze, A. (2021, December 30). First chunk of Inks Lake outdoor rink work to begin New Year’s Day. CFJC Today. https://cfjctoday.com/2021/12/30/first-chunk-of-inks-lake-outdoor-rink-work-to-begin-new-years-day/

Simberloff, D. (2009). The role of propagule pressure in biological invasions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 40(1), 81–102. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.110308.120304

Topographic-map.com. (n.d.). Inks Lake topographic map. Retrieved March 10, 2023, from https://en-in.topographic-map.com/map-f7znx/Inks-Lake/?center=50.55816%2C-120.71142&popup=50.61936%2C-120.44573&zoom=11

Trailpeak. (n.d.). Inks Lake. trailpeak.com. Retrieved April 27, 2023, from https://trailpeak.com/trails/Inks-lake-near-Kamloops-BC-724


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The Value of Lakes Around the Secwépemc Territory Copyright © 2024 by Imesha Fernando is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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